Good things come in two's?

March 16, 2015

So 2015 started out with some unexpected and pretty cool honours for GORP:) A few weeks ago I got an email saying GORP had been chosen as Company of the Year by the Manitoba Food Processors Association! Crazy?! I've been at this a long time. . .but still feel pretty new on the scene since we've only been "officially" on the market for 2 and a half years. . .it felt surreal and pretty heart warming to be noticed by your "neighbours". . .if there is one thing you can be sure of in life, it's that you can't fool your neighbours! They know exactly who you are. . .what a boost and much appreciated sign to keep on putting one foot in front of the other!

The second surprise was being chosen by the readers of Get Out There Magazine for Best Sports Nutrition food of 2014! I feel like GORP is like a tiny little "David" in a GOLIATH marketplace (and an intensely competitive one to boot). . ..I know our marketing budget is probably laughable compared to most of our competitors (what's half of nothing again?. . .oh yeah;). . .so this was especially rewarding. . .power to the people. .. and on that note, THANKS PEOPLE!!!!

It's been a contemplative/overwhelming season for us. .. .what's on my brain is SYSTEMS analysis and finding a way to grow smart and stay small. . .I don't mean small in sales or distribution.  ..but what systems do we implement and what culture activities do we need to come up with in order to honour our customers as we grow. . . .the last thing I want is to be your typical "corporate entity". . ..granted we are a long way off, (so says my banker;) but hey. . .I'm a blue sky long term visionary. . .can't help myself;) So here I sit on this Monday morning. . .a to-do list longer than my arm and a big blank whiteboard waiting for a brainstorm. . .

Let's hit this week hard and remember to BREATH. . .JOKE. . .and find a few moments of PLAYFUL in our day. . .so easy to let the grindstone wear us down. . .sooooo this sounds like the perfect time to issue a challenge. .. .sometime this week. ..pull a prank on a co-worker, family member or kid. . .or whoever is in your vicinity. . . beware. . .you might just make someone's day. . .at the very least, there will be smiling involved;)

Be Community!



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