GORP Star of the Month - Kristy!

January 11, 2016

GORP Star of the Month - Kristy!

Kristy has been with GORP for a few years! She one of the amazing production ladies - mixing GORP, hand rolling bars and packaging so that GORP Clean Energy Bars end up in your tummy! She's always so friendly and caring - we all love when she's working!

Here are some facts about Kristy:

  1. What's your favourite way to be active?

Some of my favorite ways to be active are walking, strength training, biking and enjoying the outdoors with my family.

  1. If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Ok.. If I had a superpower, I think I would want to be able to fly.  Of course it would be pretty cool, but just think of all the time it could save... :) 

  1. What's your favourite GORP flavour and why?

My favorite GORP flavor is PB & Raspberry, but Cocoa, Hemp & Almond is definitely a close second.

  1. Why do you love working at GORP? 

I love working at GORP because it's so fun working with great people and making a great product!  It also doesn't hurt that the production area always smells so good :) 

5. Kristy shares her fave healthy recipe:

One of my favorite super-easy summer grilling recipes : 

Lime Chicken Marinade

1/2 cup fresh lime juice 

1/4 cup olive oil 

1 tsp. fresh rosemary 

1 tsp. thyme 

1/2 cloves garlic 

Marinate 4 large chicken breasts with the above ingredients and grill on the BBQ. Enjoy!

Thank you so much for working with us Kristy - GORP wouldn't be great without YOU!

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