Grow Hope - how GORP helps give back to those who need us

September 21, 2016

Grow Hope - how GORP helps give back to those who need us

grow hope for syria


You've often heard us say here at GORP that our bars are made on the family farm. . . and indeed they are! Today we want to tell you about a pretty cool project we have going down on the farm side of things! This is the second year Artel Farms Ltd. is partnering with the Mennonite Central Committee - MCC and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in a project called Grow Hope!

HERE'S HOW IT WORKS! We grow the crop, harvest it and sell it as we normally would. The value we give the crop is the highest amount we received for that crop on our farm. We call that giving of our “first fruits”. We donate the total amount we receive from the sale of the crop to MCC’s account at the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, where it is eligible for up to 4:1 matching by the Canadian government! Which we think it pretty amazing!

Last year we were able to donate $108,000 to MCC for food relief and agricultural development projects. After a 4 to 1 match from the Canadian Government that value grew to over $540,000! We’d like to invite you to partner with us (haven't you always wanted to be a farmer anyways??!!) by sponsoring an acre or more of our production on the farm! Did I mention farmers have more fun?;)

For more details and to donate click the link below! And PLEASE share the link! This is an amazing opportunity to not only make your donation literally go the extra mile!

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